
IAPBL supports the research activities of its Fellows, Richardson professors working on topics related to Hawai‘i and the Asian-Pacific Region, and student organizations at the University of Hawai‘i, including the Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal.

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Recent UH Faculty Publications

Charles D. Booth

Charles D. Booth, ELG Tyler, & Jeremy Sheck, HONG KONG PERSONAL INSOLVENCY MANUAL (3rd Edition) (Hong Kong: LexisNexis in association with HKICPA, in press, 2018).

Charles D. Booth, ELG Tyler, Ludwig Ng & Terry Kan, HONG KONG CORPORATE INSOLVENCY MANUAL (4th Edition) (Hong Kong: LexisNexis in association with HKICPA, in press, 2018).

Charles D. Booth, An Analysis of Consumer Insolvency Trends in Hong Kong in the Aftermath of the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and the 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis, in Janis P. Sarra & Barbara Romaine (eds.), 2017 ANNUAL REVIEW OF INSOLVENCY LAW (Canada), pp. 1051-1085 (Toronto: Thomson Reuters, 2018).

Richard C. Chen

Richard C. Chen, The Substantive Value of Diversity in Investment Treaty Arbitration, 61 Va. J. Int’l L. 431 (2021).

Richard C. Chen, Summary Dispositions as Precedent, 61 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 691 (2020).

Richard C. Chen, Precedent and Dialogue in Investment Treaty Arbitration, 60 Harv. Int’l L.J. 47 (2019).

Paul J. Watford, Richard C. Chen & Marco Basile, Crafting Precedent, 131 Harv. L. Rev. 543 (2017).

Richard C. Chen, Bilateral Investment Treaties and Domestic Institutional Reform, 55 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 547 (2017).

Mark A. Levin

Mark A. Levin, Puffing Precedents: The Impact of the WHO FCTC on Tobacco Product Liability Litigation in Japan, 11 Asian J. of WTO & Int’l Health L. & Pol’y. 1 (2016). 

Nicholas A. Mirkay

Nicholas A. Mirkay, Ali‘i Trusts, in NATIVE HAWAIIAN LAW: A TREATISE (MacKenzie, Serrano, Sproat & Tuteur eds., 2d ed. forthcoming 2022), with Ashely K. Obrey & Susan K. Serrano.

Richard Wallsgrove

Richard Wallsgrove, Jisuk Woo, Jae-Hyup Lee & Lorraine Akiba, The Emerging Potential of Microgrids in the Transition to 100% Renewable Energy Systems, 14 Energies 1687 (2021).

Richard Wallsgrove, Water Resources in American Samoa:  Law and Policy Opportunities for Climate Adaptation (Pacific Regional Sciences and Assessments Program, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, 2016) (with Z. Grecni).